The events I attended during my education:
Courses & longer projects:
Date | Title | Duration | Summary | Organizer | URL |
27.07-15.08.2022 | Szkoła Testera [Tester School] | 2 weeks | Tester School Summary | Szkoła Testera | |
1–22.08.2022 | Kalendarz letni 2022 – Na tropie błędu [Summer Calendar 2022 – Hunting for the bug] | 3 weeks | Summer Calendar 2022 on |
Cherry-IT |
Cherry-IT |
20–24.08.2022 | Learn SQL | 5 days | Learn SQL – short training for absolute beginners | CodeCademy | |
18.08–09.10.2022 | Python Essentials 1 | 1.5 months | Python Essentials 1 completed | | |
1–12.10.2022 | Intro to SQL: Querying and managing data | 10 days | Khan Academy | ||
13.10.2022 | Git dla testerów [Git for Testers] | 4 hours | Git for Testers | Jak testować | |
30.08–20.10.2022 | uTest Academy | 1.5 months | uTest Update | | |
28.11.2022 | Konsola deweloperska [DevTools] | 2 hours | Szkolenie dla QA | ||
19.10-30.12.2022 | Projekt treningowy 2/2022 [Training Project 2/2022] | 2 months |
Cherry-IT |
Cherry-IT |
Date | Title | Duration | Summary | Organizer | URL |
23–26.08.2022 | Testμ 2022 | 4 hours | Testu 2022 – the change of plans | LambdaTest | |
12.10.2022 | Data Driven Innovation 2022 | 5 hours | Computer World | ||
11.03.2023 | Test:fest | 1 day | Test:fest 2023 | Test:fest |
Date | Title | Duration | Summary | Organizer | URL |
09.03.2022 | Praktyczne wprowadzenie do bezpieczeństwa IT [Practical Introduction to IT Security] | 5 hours | Practical Introduction to IT Security | Sekurak | |
08.08.2022 | AW#91 – Co robią managerowie w Scrumie? [What do managers do in the Scrum?] |
2 hours | The First Meetup | Meetup | |
17.08.2022 | Wprowadzenie do algorytmów Big Data używanych w technologiach komercyjnych [Introduction to Big Data algorithms used in commercial technologies] | 2 hours | Big Data – Big Difficulties | Unity Group | |
29.08.2022 |
Podstawy Postman [Basics of Postman] |
4 hours | Basics of Postman | | |
31.08.2022 | Formaty danych [Data Formats] | 1 hour | Data Formats | DataWorkshop | |
06.09.2022 | Wizualizacja danych w Data Science [Data Visualization in Data Science] | 1 hour | CODE:ME | ||
08.09.2022 | Testowanie oprogramowania – od czego zacząć? [Software Testing – What to start with?] | 1 hour | CODE:ME | ||
12.09.2022 | Security Awareness dla programistów [Security Awareness for Programmers] | 1 hour | CODE:ME | ||
15.09.2022 | Dostępność [Accessibility] | 1 hour | Accessibility | Szkolenie dla QA | |
19.09.2022 | Ciemna strona pracy testera [Dark Side of Tester’s Work] | 1 hour | AmberTeam Testing | ||
21.09.2022 | Czym jest dobre testowanie? [What Does Good Testing Mean?] | 1 hour | AmberTeam Testing | ||
22.09.2022 | Jak pisać dobre User Stories? [How to Write Good User Stories?] | 1.5 hours | IT PROJECT MAKERS | Project Makers | |
06.10.2022 | Wprowadzenie do automatyzacji testów [Introduction to test automation] | 2.5 hours | Testelka | ||
10.10.2022 | AW#93 – Zachowania Statusowe – warsztat praktyczny [Status Behaviours – practical workshop] |
2 hours | Status Games | Meetup | |
11.10.2022 | Testy w Cypress dla początkujących [Cypress Tests for Beginners] | 1.5 hours | Fabryka Testów | ||
12.10.2022 | SQL dla testerów [SQL for Testers] | 1.5 hours | Geek On | ||
13.10.2022 | Po co designerom znajomość HTML-a i CSS-a? [Why the Designers Should Know HTML and CSS?] | 1 hour | Alicja Migda | ||
20.10.2022 | Porozmawiajmy o DevToolsach [Lets talk about DevTools] | 1 hour | |||
20.10.2022 | Design Thinking – zwinne projektowanie biznesu [Design Thinking – agile business design] | 1.5 hours | |||
24.10.2022 | Najgroźniejszy atak na web aplikacje w 2022 roku [The Most Dangerous Web Application Attack in 2022] | 1.5 hours | Credential Stuffing et consortes | Bezpieczny kod | |
25.10.2022 | Jak znaleźć satysfakcjonującą pracę bez wysyłania setek CV [How to find satisfying job without hundred of CVs] | 2 hours | Anna Czurak | ||
25.10.2022 | Test:Fest Meetup | 2 hours | Test:Fest Meetup | Test:fest | |
07.11.2022 | Dlaczego hackowanie aplikacji webowych jest proste? [Why web application hacking is so simple?] | 2 hours | Sekurak | ||
07.11.2022 | Inżynieria wymagań [Requirement engineering] | 1 hour | Podcast Testowanie Oprogramowania | ||
15.11.2022 | Q&A w QA [Q&A in QA] | 1 hour | Szkolenie dla QA | ||
15.11.2022 | Domain No-Coder | 1 hour | No-code triptych | Just Join IT | |
23.11.2022 | Accessibility – wprowadzenie do tematu [Introduction to accessibility] | 1 hour | Alicja Migda | ||
08.12.2022 | Planning your data documentation with Dataedo | 1 hour | Dataedo | ||
13.12.2022 | test:fest & WrotQA & SJSI meetup | 2 hours | Test:fest | ||
15.12.2022 | SQL Server 2022 Launch meetup | 3 hours | Data Community |