Inspired by Maciej Wyrodek from ITea Morning daily Youtube channel, I started to explore the available roadmaps that organise the learning process leading to software testing / QA. The direct inspiration was the special episode (in Polish) on QA roadmaps. Why to use roadmaps? When you start learning something almost Continue Reading
Credential Stuffing et consortes
To explore other opportunities to develop my career, I attended another webinar on cybersecurity. Andrzej Dyjak – a security specialist behind – presented several types of brute force attacks including the most important attack according to DBIR report, i.e. credential stuffing, but also password guessing and password spraying methods. Continue Reading
Data Formats
Sometimes you think you know a lot and then… This was such kind of story. After years of working with different data formats, I thought I knew them quite well. However, Vladimir Alekseichenko from in his webinar “Data Formats” showed the topic from the Machine Learning perspective. Of course, Continue Reading