Turning an active translator to a software tester is somehow like turning a frog into a queen. And as life isn’t a fairy tale, you shouldn’t expect that one kiss will be enough. For me this requires revamping my entire life.
As I’ve mentioned, I’m an active translator. This is my job and I have to do it until I find something new. I think the same problem could occur in case of any person intending to enter a completely new area of professional career.
I decided to start my every working day with two hours of learning, divided into four 30-minute blocks – one for improving my English skills, which have to be constantly refined; one for learning testing methods; one for exploring other IT technologies that are a must if you want to be hired; and one for searching for jobs to be familiar with the labour market and for events to support my development. And only after the end of this learning time, I’ll put my shoulder to the wheel. This way I expect to be quite fresh for learning and able to combine it with my work.
At the end of each day, I plan to write a short note about what I’ve been able to learn and do during the day.
I don’t know if this will work, but I’m to carry out the plan and… time will show.