I’ve just finished the Tester School, a training course in Polish run (under the name of Szkoła Testera) by Norbert Jankowski who is a tester with more than 10 years of experience. The training is available on szkolatestera.pl and consists of 60 video lessons of a total duration of more Continue Reading
Sławomir Duda-Klimaszewski
My TODO list is growing bigger and bigger
I’m a loyal user of Todoist, the service that helps me organize my all duties and tasks. I make a note of every idea, document and event I intend to fulfill, read or attend, as well as every other task, either personal or professional. From the beginning of this Big Continue Reading
The First Meetup
I am totally grateful to Agile Wrocław group for the online meetup on Scrum. The event provided by Joanna Płaskonka, who is a scrum master and an agile coach, was entitled “What do managers do in the Scrum”. For me, as a total newcomer, it was far too advanced, but Continue Reading
The deluge of work
I’ve spent the past three days translating a quite difficult patent on railway engineering that is somehow new for me. Therefore, I had to put aside most of my daily learning tasks and focus on the current job. I think even if I plan everything very cautiously, such situation can Continue Reading
The doubts
The more I read about being a tester, the more doubts appear. I go through a lot of comments on how hard it is now to find a job for a beginner, how the labour market has changed, that IT is for people who begin their computer journey at early Continue Reading
The blog is launched
For the recent few days I’ve been working on an initial version of the blog. It is still raw and requires a lot of design efforts, but finally I managed to publish my notes from the first five days. I’m in a constant need of validating my choice of the Continue Reading
Monday – the auspicious start of the week
After the rewarding weekend (I love mountains), I made a powerful start into the second week of my (r)evolution. I find it really important – to constantly keep the proper mindset and motivation to keep working. The Tester School is still all about theoretical basics of testing. I have to Continue Reading
The Day 5 — the End of the First Week
I decided to work and learn for 5 working days a week only. I need some rest and reset after the arduous week. Additionally, this may be a good reward for myself, if the week was really fruitful. Of course, I plan to omit the rule in case of potential Continue Reading
Fourth Day – First Crisis
If you work on your own, sometimes it is hard to learn and do anything else at the same time. The tasks are difficult, the deadlines are tight, the strengths are at a low ebb. Such was the past day for me. But if you want to change anything, you Continue Reading
The Day 3 – First Training
The first thing you have to do when changing your profession is to test if the newly discovered passion is suitable for you. But how to do it without proper basics of the topic? I decided to start with some not-so-extensive training in testing. My first contacts with this IT Continue Reading